For what it's worth I would like to "blame" Martin Schoeller.
The dominating look of his portraits coupled with the mesmerizing catch-lights floored me right from the first glimpse.
I just had to try this medium format photography thing out.
So back in 2015 I turned to ebay to do my very first transaction, not knowing whether the contact at the other side of the planet would sell me a dud or the real thing.
Let me tell you that the Mamiya RZ67 ProII with the 65mm F4 lens is no dud.
It is Heavy as Hell.
And it goes wherever I go. While my tripod stays home.
I could spend the whole day just looking through the viewfinder. Experiencing the World through it looks just damn awesome and then some.
Luckily my fingers have still managed to find the tiny shutter button and exposed some BW film with those ever so decisive moments.
Just Brilliant.